Saturday, December 13, 2008

Saint Lucia's Day and a Christmas tree

"In him was life, 
and that life was the light of men." 
John 1:4

At our house we love to celebrate Christmas in as many ways as possible. Our #2 daughter especially likes St. Lucia's Day. She's the daughter who looks Scandinavian. It seems that she decided to start making her St. Lucia Buns shortly before midnight the day before. So we all got a slow start on St. Lucia's Day, and around 11 o'clock she had her buns finished. The were very delightful. The recipe for them can be found here.

Not long after thuroughly enjoying the buns, we all decided that it was now or never for getting a tree at a tree farm. The weather has seemed so threatening, but at that moment it looked pretty good.

"If you don't know where you are going, 
you might wind up someplace else." 
Yogi Berra

1 comment:

Cécile said...

Hi Molly, I'm a little late leaving a comment on this post, but hopefully you'll see it. I go to a Santa Lucia party every year on the Saturday closest to the 13th. It starts at 7:30 am that day and is just women. she serves all the Scandinavian breakfast treats and I love all of them. I go back for seconds of the fruit soup, which I love, but that is almost the only time all year that I get to have it. I love all the other buns, puddings and treats as well.

It's cool that your daughter likes to do this.